Wednesday, June 1, 2011

happy life..

hye korang.. arini nak cite pasal life state aku yang terKINI, terBARU dan terMASYUKK... hehehe yang best2 kena kasi highlight sikit.. so korang sehat ke?? da makan?? da mandi?? da tido?? sume nak tanye.. macam gf bf plak.. nyampah mak nakk... haha

so sekarang aku tengah bercuti2 kat rumah.. cuti sendiri sebab this whole week xde class and xde pape plan pon kt gmi.. so better balik rumah since da lbh kurang 2 minggu x balik sebab bertapa kat gmi siapkan final year project.. so fyp aku berjalan sangat lancar.. aritu 25/5 rabu is the day that we all have to present our fyp to the internal verifiers... which is so damn GREAT.. and the thing i want to say is I PASSED!!!!!!!!! (big grin face) im so GLAD.. thank you ALLAH for being with me all those while.. sangat2 gembira after lepas present fyp.. bcz im so relief.. nothing is better than this feeling when u faced something big and no one know the story behind it, there's so many problem come.. anyway thanks to my group member, (abu, zareef, alif and sufian) and also to the best project supervisor evahhh mr hafiz razali.. seriously this project cannot be done with those people that I've mentioned.. they are all work hard to get the fyp finish and function.. without them I just cant imagine how the fyp life will be..

ni logo fyp aku...

so 23/6 nanti ada lagi satu presentation which is external verification.. yang ni just another fyp presentation.. gmi will call any people among the related industry to be our verifiers.. so the process is the same as internal presentation, only the difference is the verifiers... so wish me luck peeps.. pastu aku bole berehat kat rumah jadi boss kat rumah.. kalau dapat any offer study aku pg, kalau x aku nk keje.. sebab rase macam x larat je nk blaja lagi.. tp tengok la dlu.. kalau ada rezeki aku kat mane2 just go on je la..

tapi dalam2 happy sal fyp ni.. aku sedey gak since today is the last day kteorg dapat loan mara.. lpas ni da xde da.. macam mane nk hidup xde mara pon aku xtau.. susah dow... selalu tiap2 bulan ada sugar daddy bagi duit skrg da xde.. anyway thanks to mara sebab bagi aku duit tiap2 bulan so aku bole makan, minum, shopping without any worries, beli tu beli ni macam2 la... hehehe tapi jangan ingat dye bagi free, nanti aku kena bayar balik gak.. hahaha korang layan la gambar2 aku g merata tempat mase ade duit banyak.. =)

makan Tutti Frutti kat seksyen 8 Bangi (p/s:kat situ ade abang ensem)

pg pavilion makan2 ngan dorang

pergi alamanda jalan2 tengok wayang sume..

bukak puasa kat pizza ngan dorang tu..

so memang mara la sumber pendapatan aku dari start blaja kat gmi smpi skrg da nk abes da pon.. ape2 pon mmg susah kalau xde mara.. haahaha sengal kan aku cakap camtu.. k la korang aku chow dulu.. xtau da nk merepek ape lagi.. anyway ni la 1st entry aku yang paling banyak aku letak gambar private2 taw.. ehehehe k bye korang.. take care and have a nice day..

muuahhhh XOXO

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