Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy gile dapat macarons TAPI..........

hi readers.. tapi kenapa???nak tau kenapa.. tungguuuuuuuuuuuu ye.. so, there was a tragedy happen today... so damn F******** frustrated, disappointed and awful.. nak jadikan cerita.. arini aku ajak abang aku n gf dye pegi empire gallery just to buy their famous in town macaroon n red velvet cake.. and after that aku ajak dye pergi sunway giza, sebab x pernah jejak kaki kat sane.. so teringin la nak pergii kann..but then sampai kt satu jalan mane entah, lepas selekoh ade satu lubang ni, abang aku bawak kete xdela laju pon, tapi xleh nak elak sebab kanan ade lori, so elak ke kiri tapi tayar depan belah kanan still kena..and then, the result is


Da bengkok.. S***!!!!!!
so tu la yang jadi.. disebabkan kejadian ni gak la, abang aku terpakse berhabis rm300 untuk tukar rim and tayar sebab 1 tayar pecah.. hurm malang betul tapi nak wat camne.. kun fa ya kun.. benda da jadi kan, so xleh nak watpe da.. so sorry to my bro, maybe kalau aku x ajak dye pergi giza tu xde la jadi camni.. and dye pon lepas jadi ni terus patah balik pergi klang and terus pergi kedai tayar and tukar la rim and tayar sekali.. kteorang dalam kete ni terus diam and moody sebab x dapat pergi giza tu la.. =(

welcome aboard darling!! cantek kn?kn?kn?

abangku da puas hati tapi still cam ralat gak sebab habes duit kena tukar sume2 tu...berbalik pada cite pergi the whisk I've taste the macaron and red velvet cake.. kedai dye seriously small, about 5-6 table je ade dalam kedai tu.. and its crowded sgt.. so here the pictures are but aku x makan kat sana,just take away.. so let the picture speak ok..

the choice of macaroons and also its colorful..

red velvet cake + 5 macaroons.. *sorry gegar sikit dalam kereta..

quite expensive for me!! no offense peace =)

so here is my comment.. I thought the macaroon is soft in texture but its turn out to be pretty hard and the cream btw the macaroon is too sweet.. sampai lepas makan terus sakit gusi n gigi aku.. and the red velvet cake is so damn attractive tapi mmg gile manisssssss xleh tahan la.. so to the whisk please la kurangkan gula dalam dessert u.. its delicious but if too sweet people will get diabetes bcz of ur dessert.. sorry the whisk, this is only my opinion.. but guys dont be influenced by my review bcz i'm not an expert in the dessert field but i think i have a right to like or dislike.. so kalau u all nak try i recommend u all pergi try.. the price pon quite expensive for me.. maybe u can put rm9 per slice of cake.. its up to u la kan.. hehehe so i gave u 3.5 stars.. anyway u have a good service though.. and the decoration in simple and just nice...

so guys, i da tunaikan janji i nak cerita pasal ni kan.. so take your time to read this entry.. if there is any question or else just leave a comment.. thank you so much readers.. love u all and mmmuuaahh..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Macaroons and such...

hello world..
have u ever taste a yummy macaroon??have already or haven't??
aku belom lagi.. tanye macam pernah makan je kan.. HAHA
hahahaha maybe weekend ni nak pergi the whisk dekat empire gallery...
korang boleh drop by kt empire gallery kat subang jaya, near subang parade..
tapi kedai dye nampak small and crowded i think..but nevermind, redah je la..
just to taste their macaroons and red velvet cake 
that claimed to be famous in town babeh..
many blogger's have review about their macaroon n the red velvet cake tu.. 
1 more think, its always sold out bcz of their high demand from the dessert lovers out there anyone yang pemurah hati nak bawak i pergi situ..
call me taw.. =)

Red velvet cake.. nampak cam tempting sangat kan??kan??

so cakap2 pasal macaroon ni, korang taw x macaroon tu camne.. 
macaroon ni ada orang cakap asalnye dari France, Spain, Italy and many more.. xtau mane 1 betul..
so,cepat sediakan tisu kat sebelah sebab next picture will make u drooling non stop okay.. HAHA

colorful kan??
cube bayangkan macaroon tower ni kat birthday korang nanti..
ni pulak untuk wedding cake korang nnt..

cube bayangkan ice cream tu melting dlm mulut.. perrrghhhh

the best picture on this entry is

macaroon garden........
wondering when we enter the garden that full of macaroons..
go there macaroon, go here macaroon.. and u can pick it whenever u want it..
how awesome..delicious..fantastic..tempting..

so guys go grab the macaroon on ur nearest store..
to dessert lover sure u have taste that rite..
so share ur opinion on these dessert..
thank you guys for reading this entry..
please don't make urself drooling too much..
nanti banjir lak laptop tu... hahaha
k guys see you in next entry.. take care yaw!! dont drink and drive..
nanti kalau i pg the whisk weekend ni, i will story it on the next entry yee..
bye.. love u much readers.. XOXO

Monday, April 18, 2011

muet test was ****

hi korang.. hari ini dalam sejarah buat 2 entry skali taw...
mimpi agaknya.. as promised to u all today nak cite sal muet test aritu...

aku sampai tepat2 kul 8am.. sampai2 terus masuk exam hall tu..
1st paper is reading, we're given 90 minutes to answer 45 questions..
the questions was not bad..
there were some passages I x bape paham sangat.. 
so as a result, aku men tibai je la...
hahahaha aku sempat la menjeling2 orang laen punye jawapan..
sorry guys I have to do that... LOL

2nd paper was bad enough I think.. we're given 2 questions..
1st is about main goal for year ahead...
that was so bad, bcz aku x practice kt part ni..
so format dye mcm salah.. xtau la cmne nk ckp..
2nd is about friendship.. part ni plg aku suke..
tgok je soalan aku da senyum sampai telinga..
terus teringat lagu "count on me" by bruno mars..
aku siap tulis lirik lagu dalam essay tu.. LOL

3rd paper is listening.. ni part yang plg terbaek..
mase part 1, ade technical problem taw.. 
so examiner to repeat la untuk 2 kali dr part 1 sampai part 4..
aku da xtau nk check ape lg...
sebab da banyak kali ulang da.. sampai aku mengantuk gile da...
supposely habes pukul 12.30 jadi abes kul 1.30pm..
hahahahahaha shhhh jangan bitau orang laen taw..

2 je la nak cite.. muet tu sng kalau kite practice banyak2 especially ka part reading and writing..2 penyumbang markah yang terbanyak sekali taw..
k la korang, bye nak mandi and magrib pon da nk dekat da ni..
love u much readers.. thank you for read this post..

hati tersentuh..

"please balik tengok mak. mak rindu abg T.."
ape perasaan anda kalau anda bace ayat word tu.. 
sedih?? tersentuh?? happy?? or what??
for me it was so touched.. when brother A tell brother B in the same family to come home and her mom miss him so badly.. do you get it??
the thing is its the guy who told it.. u know, some guy just have a strong ego nk cakap pasal benda2 ni..can you feel the same way he feel??
ok lets go.. mak  dorang ni ade penyakit jantung.. so aku xtau keadaan mak dye stabil ke x or maybe da penghujung hayat.. yg A ni selalu balik umah in order to spend time as much as he can with his mom..
sebab dye tau mak dye da sampai masanya untuk sambut seruan Allah.. maybe abg T tu x blik kot..
si A balik gak rumah eventhough dye memang tengah xde duit sgt2.. aku yang taw senyap2 ni pon da menangis bile dye kadang2 post status:

"i miss her"
"i need you mom.."
"I have joy, contentment, satisfaction and peace.i miss you, mom."
"mak!! rindu!!"

korang boleh bayang x betapa dye sayangkan mak dye.. 
I mean everyone sayangkan mak dorang..  
tapi dye ni anak bongsu so sayang dye lebey sikit sebab manje ngan mak dye.. aku paham perasaan dye, tapi dye xnak cite kat aku.. aku je yang jd stalker gile babi sebab aku taw dalam happy2 dye, dye still sedih pk kan keadaan mak dye skrg.. yela bile2 masa je Allah bole tarik nyawa.. aku rase dye kt sini just standby untuk dapat call kate "adek "I", mak da xde".. 
satu perasaan yang aku x dapat nak gambarkan taw x..
so "I" please be strong, I will always pray for your mom's health and please stay beside her when she is dying now.. so last weekend is ur mom bezday, happy birthday mak "I".. semoga panjang umur and stay healthy..
harap "I" x sedey sgt kalau mak da xde nnt.. 
walaupon dye nampak gagah tapi dye ade hati yang nipis.. 
so "I" u boleh share feeling u kat i.. i nk jadi kawan yang ade sentiasa kat sebelah u especially when u sad..
kalau boleh i nk bg sume duit i kat u, in hopes that u can come home every weekend.. kalau u x mintak pon i sanggup bagi kt u "I".. 
so "I" stay strong and biarkan dye pergi dengan tenang.. 

aku selalu post something yang ade kena mengena ngn dye..
tapi aku tujukan post tu direct kat dye.. 
"I", i wat camtu nak bagi u strong.. 
u kena kumpul kekuatan tu mulai skrg and bersedia dgn takdir tuhan "I"..

readers, I was touched by this guy, this strong-looking guy is actually having a thin wall heart and he can cry whenever he want especially when he think about his mom.. love you much "I"..

ok bye korang.. terima kasih bace entry ni.. aku rase cam aku busy body gler.. tapi itulah yang keluar dari hati aku.. so aku x tau nak luah kat mane, so blog la jadi tempat mengadu.. 

kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan.. aku x kesah ko nak cakap aku ni gile kan ko ke, aku terhegeh2 ke.. sebab bagi aku suka kt seseorang tu bukan sesuatu yang salah.. lagi bagus cakap dari ko pendam bile ko suke kt someone tu.. pegi mampos la ko nk cakap aku stalker ke pe.. because this is who am I.. ko xleh larang pe aku nak wat, nak cakap, nak post status pe.. and 1 lagi keep being annoying to me, cuz for me that was just wasting time.. once I like you,forever I like you.. the more u hate me, the more I love u.. itulah kenyataan yang ko xleh nk ubah bitch!! and lagi 1 kenapa ko nak cite2 kat kawan ko, ko saja nak aibkan aku kan.. ko ingt ko wat camtu aku heran.. sikit pon aku x heran.. ko nk cakap aku besar,or pape pon.. sikit pon x terkesan kat aku.. bcz bagi aku ni sume hanya sementara.. aku nak bitau ko, ko jgn suka sorang pompuan kerana rupa dye.. sbb nanti bile da tua dye akan jd hodoh gak.. kecantikan, kekayaan, ke-kurus-an itu xkan bg jaminan ko bahagia sampai mati and yang lbh pntg xkan wat ko masuk syurga.. wat pe ko cari awek yang tunjuk lurah sane sini.. tunjuk betis sane sini.. tunjuk peha sane sini.. tunjuk rambut kat sume orang.. kalau boleh nak terbogel and tunjuk kat sume orang.. xde satu pon yang exclusive untuk ko sebab dye da tunjuk sume benda kt semua orang!!! yes aku memang bengang dekat ko!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s: mood skrg ni sedey jer.. hati x stabil agaknye..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kaum Adam & Hawa

As-salam readers.. hari ni aku rase insaf and terusik bila bace satu note kt facebook pasal kaum adam dan hawa.. 
so do take ur time to read and think about this..
benar..jodoh itu ketentuan TUHAN..
tapi kita akan ada terma merisik..??salah ke merisik..??
x salah bahkan dianjurkan supaya x tersalah pilih..hmm..

untuk adam..
andai mahu mencari hawa..

1. jgn dilihat pd purdah mahupun tudung semata-mata..kerna hawa hari ini tidak lagi seperti dulu..lihatlah pd telapak tgnnya..andai mudah telapak lembut itu hinggap pd kulit lelaki lain tanpa lapik..fikirlah semasaknya utk menyuntingnya..sesungguhnya memegang bulu anjing itu lebih baik dari menyentuh kulit lelaki atau wanita yang boleh kita kahwini..

2. jgn dilihat pada baju labuh mahupun jubahnya semata-mata..lihatlah pada sebujur bibirnya..andai kata-katanya berbisa atau kuat suaranya..fikirlah semasaknya andai hati masih teringin menyuntingnya..khuatir kelak dia membawa fitnah buat si suami..menabur buruk diri si suami..

3. jgn dilihat pada cantik ayu wajahnya semata-mata..lihatlah pada sepasang indah mata miliknya..andai tidak redup menunuduk pandangan..fikirlah semasaknya andai ingin terus menyunting dirinya..khuatir bila sudah bersuami matanya masih terus meliar memandang segak rupa lelaki lain yang bukan bernama suami..

untuk hawa..
andai mahu menerima cinta adam..

1. jgn dilihat pada kereta mewahnya semata-mata..lihatlah pd aktiviti malamnya..andai liar hidupnya tika malam menjelma..fikirlah sebaiknya andai mahu menerima..kerna maksiat itu lebih mudah tatkala kelam malam sudah tiba..khuatir juga subuhnya terus leka dibuai mimpi nan indah..

2. jgn dilihat pada pakaian berjenama semata-mata..lihatlah pada bahagian kakinya..andai mudah lututnya ditayangkan tatkala lincah dipadang bola..fikirlah sebaiknya andai masih mahu menerima..kerna aurat suami itu hanya selayaknya dilihat oleh si isteri..

3. jgn dilihat pada tampan paras semata-mata..lihatlah pada mulutnya tatkala berbicara..andai dia mudah menghambur carutan dan sumpah seranah..fikirlah sebaiknya andai masih tegar memilihnya..khuatir pabila bersama kelak..kesalahan kecil anda akan menerima hamburan cacian yang menyeksakan..

lelaki dan wanita hari ini tidak lagi seperti mereka yang dahulu..sebelum ini..wanita berhijab itu sesungguhnya mmg mulia zahir batinnya..tetapi hari ini..mereka yang bertudung barangkali hanya utk menyembunyikan kelemahan diri..begitulah juga sang lelaki..kadang-kala berkopiah..dari mata nampak sungguh alim..tetapi dlm hatinya..??siapa yang tahu..

selamat beramal dan renung2 kan..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

currently busy with....

1.  Time is running out - MUET

same macam test examiner gune aritu HAHA

    that is all I can say for now..Firstly, I got to attend the MUET test for reading, writing and listening this Saturday (16/4/2011). for MUET, I am busy so I need to divide my time for classes, fyp and the test. I need to recall my brain cuz its already rust since I've leave the school and the latest for BI semester 3. hopefully for this coming Saturday I can make it with my very best effort. and I targeted for achieving Band 4 least and Band 5 the most. so everyone, pray for me. only Allah can return back your kindness reader. only if I have a reader. if didn't have one its okay. this is just my pieces of heart to share with u guys.

    2.  Final Year Project (FYP)

    those have arrow are my fyp group members (not in picture-sufian)

    Secondly, I need to complete all the task given for my final year project (fyp). for my fyp, I don't know how to solve it because I didn't even have inspiration to finish it up. please Allah, give me chance to complete it. I'd like to cry every time I think about it. I think that this make my life completely a mess now. I don't know where to start, how to do this and that, how and how and how?? that is just only question that blown me away.

    3. A word called "LOVE"

    for the last thing is, the man which I love the most will fall to another girl (50% are my thought 50% more that it'll happen sooner or later). I don't know how to categorize this, is it me the one who fool or him?? but we both are just a person who didn't meant to be together i think. I need to sort this thing out, cuz this bloody little thing give me such an awful mind and horrible day to live. I keep waiting and waiting his text and phone call.. this thing kept me drawn by the wind and tears. thinking that why do I have to met u in my life. u make me suffer a lot boy. there is only u inside my heart, but u just at the other side having Ur life to the fullest. while I'm here the one who cry and kept thinking of u every night and day. so u guys get the answer right?? so u can say that I'm the fool one. but I don't care. In love and relationship, there will be someone who got to be the fool and the clever one. so in this case, I'm the fool one.  laugh at me now!! but boy i swear when i get the chance to love u, i will love u to the end of my life.because u r just not a toy for me baby, so don't worry about any bad thing will happen because we're just on the same path. I've already know bout yourself but I didn't even tell what happen in my previous life to u. So I need to get some time to tell u about this. so please give me a chance to talk to you about this thing. but i just think that is only in my dream maybe. because u just completely ignored me while I'm the one who running towards u..

    4. A target called "lose Ur weight"
    this is my latest picture

    you guys got my point for now, hahahaha.. I kept thinking of this for a long time. as usual, when i start the routine its only last for 3-4 days, after that I can't control my diet anymore and just back to the previous way of life.. eat a lot, laugh a lot, play a lot and much more I do.. It is common I think for anyone who try to diet but then just give up and pray for miracle to happen (kurus tibe2) that was me actually.. LOL so now I'm starting back my diet and this time I'm gonna do this seriously with the hope that my weight will lose for about 20kilo in 4-5 months, in this period I need to cut down all the yummy rice, delicious chicken, red meat which I love the most, cold water the most important one, cheesy thing, ice cream and any other temptation that we have in Malaysia.. for your information I'm the food lover. Malaysian are all food lover. we have lots a variety of food and delicacies. how can we just resist to see it instead of taste it and eat it until finish right?? hahahaha there u go amalina, this kind of attitude just gonna make u fail.. I'm talking to myself. 
    my diet so far

    so only this for now, such a long entry today.. for me things happen for a reason.. so we didn't even know what will happen in future, so peeps just pray for the best and stay focus on what you doing now. have a nice day guys, wait for my next entry. maybe i will update about my muet test OK.. so guys take care.. don't drink and drive aha.. =) love u guys to the fullest, keep following me yaw.. XOXO

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    .:as much as:.

    i LOVE you as much as u LOVE your mom
    i MISS you as much as u MISS your mom
    i HEART you as much as u HEART your mom
    i NEED you as much as u NEED your mom
    i ADORE you as much as u ADORE your mom
    i APPRECIATE you as much as u APPRECIATE your mom
    i ADMIRE you as much as u ADMIRE your mom
    i THINK of you as much as u THINK of your mom
    i CARE about you as much as u CARE about your mom
    i PRAY for you as much as u PRAY for your mom
    i ADDICTED to you as much as u ADDICTED to your mom
    i STICK to you as much as u STICK to your mom
    i LISTEN to you as much as u LISTEN to your mom
    i LIKE you as much as u LIKE your mom
    i RESPECT you as much as u RESPECT your mom
    i CHERISH you as much as u CHERISH your mom
    i ACCEPT you as much as u ACCEPT your mom
    i OBEY you as much as u OBEY your mom
    i BRIGHTEN you as much as u BRIGHTEN your mom
    i WARMTH you as much as u WARMTH your mom


    i don't want to LOSE you as much as u don't want to LOSE your mom
    i don't want to LEFT you as much as u don't want to LEFT your mom
    i don't want to HATE you as much as u don't want to HATE your mom
    i don't want to HARM you as much as u don't want to HARM your mom
    i don't want to HURT you as much as u don't want to HURT your mom

    i LIVE & LIFE for you
    i ADORE & LOVE you

    because the only women that we love the most is our MOM....
    because the only women we don't want to see her sad and cry is our MOM....

    Friday, April 1, 2011

    Isi hatiku berkata..

    I know you're somewhere out there
    Somewhere far away
    I want you back
    I want you back
    My neighbors think I'm crazy
    But they don't understand
    You're all I have
    You're all I have

    At night when the stars
    light up my room
    I sit by myself

    Talking to the Moon
    Trying to get to You
    In hopes you're on the other side
    Talking to me too
    Or am I a fool? who sits alone
    Talking to the moon

    I'm feeling like I'm famous
    The talk of the town
    They say I've gone mad
    Yeah I've gone mad
    But they don't know
    what I know

    Cause when the sun goes down
    Someone's talking back
    Yeah, They're talking back

    At night when the stars light up my room
    I sit by myself
    Talking to the Moon
    Trying to get to You
    In hopes you're on the other side
    Talking to me too
    Or am I a fool? who sits alone
    Talking to the moon

    Ahh Ahh,
    Ahh Ahh,

    Do you ever hear me calling?
    Cause every night
    I'm talking to the moon
    Still trying to get to you

    In hopes you're on the other side
    Talking to me too
    Or am I a fool? who sits alone
    Talking to the moon

    I know you're somewhere out there
    Somewhere far away

    p/s: mood swing sekarang.. jadi blog terpakse ditinggalkan sekejap... bye luv u much reader..